DISHOOM Dish Washing liquid

  • Remove tough stain and makes dishes Sparkling clean
  • Antimicrobial agent ensures protection from germs
  • Power of lemon gives soothing fragrance with high cleaning
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Dishoom Dishwashing liquid removes all kinds of hard stains effortlessly and makes the dishes shiny, clean and fragrant. Its antimicrobial agent easily removes hard stains and protects from germs, ensuring the scent of lemon in it. Dishoom Dishwashing liquid, have the power of lemon which makes the dishes clean as well as make good fragrance after washes dishes. Also have antimicrobial agent which makes the dishes germ free and protect to come germ again on plate after cleaning. This dishwashing liquid made with the strengthen power of lemon and antimicrobial agent ensures the highest guaranteed of cleaning and germ-killing form dishes.